3rd Party Tolling Applications FAQ

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Private Company (3rd Party) Mobile Tolling Application Providers for use in Maryland:
The MDTA is not affiliated with and does not endorse the above listed or any other 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Application Provider. Customers use 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Applications at their own risk and may be subject to varying services and additional fees. Before selecting a 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Application, gain an understanding of the Application’s terms and conditions, fee structure and services offered, to determine if a 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Application is the right payment option for you when paying your Maryland tolls.
3rd Party Mobile Tolling Applications provide varying services for making toll payments in association with a customer’s license plate. These Applications differ from third-party bill payment services (i.e. doxo, Prism, Mint, Noventis, etc.), which do not have accounts with a participating E-ZPass Group member. The E-ZPass Group (IAG) is an association of toll entities in 19 states which provides the public with a method for paying tolls at E-ZPass facilities.
No, the MDTA does not recommend or endorse nor is the MDTA affiliated with any 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Applications. The listed 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Applications have accounts with a participating E-ZPass IAG member, but not directly with the MDTA. Users may be charged the E-ZPass toll rate along with additional fees rather than the Maryland E-ZPass toll rate which may be lower at some MDTA facilities.
Available 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Applications are offered by 3rd party mobile tolling application Providers. The Providers are private companies and are not affiliated with or endorsed by the MDTA.
MDTA does not endorse any Provider and makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee, express or implied, of the quality services or authenticity of any Provider. The Provider is solely responsible for all application services, User disputes, and guarantees to their Users. MDTA has no obligation, responsibilities, or liability to any Provider or their customers (Users) in connection with the use of any 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Application.
Yes. MDTA does not charge fees for processing tolls directly from the DriveEZMD.com site. Users may be subject to fees from the Provider for use of a 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Application. Failure of the User to pay Provider fees may result in Video Tolls from the MDTA which are billed at a higher rate. For customers to receive the lowest available toll rates in Maryland, the MDTA recommends using a Maryland E-ZPass account. Infrequent Maryland toll road users may benefit from using Pay-by-Plate.
Users must contact the Providers directly to resolve problems making payment through a 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Application. Information on MDTA’s website and any other text or graphics is not intended to be advice on the use of 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Applications. MDTA makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information or its suitability for any purpose, and such information is subject to change without notice. Users are encouraged to confirm information from other sources, including from the Application Provider(s).
The availability of service and coverage areas from Provider(s) may be subject to change. Past performance by the Provider may not be indicative of future results. Users are responsible for verifying that the 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Application is available for use and provides coverage on Maryland toll roads.
MDTA is not responsible for Provider’s delays or mistakes in paying Maryland tolls, and the User is responsible for paying Video Tolls and/or additional fees if the MDTA does not receive timely payment from the Provider.
Users of 3rd Party Mobile Tolling Applications do so at their own risk. Users are responsible for complying with all terms and conditions of the Provider(s). Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Provider may result in a Video Toll and the issuance of a Notice of Toll Due (NOTD) to the registered vehicle owner or responsible party, which may subject the registered vehicle owner or responsible party to a higher toll rate and/or additional fee or civil penalty. Payment for Video Tolls may be made by following the instructions on the NOTD, in accordance with COMAR 11.07.07 and Md. Ann. Code Transportation Article § 21-1414.
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